Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Commission.

S .O. U. N .D.

This publication reflects only the views of
its authors and the Commission cannot be
held accountable for any use which may be
made of the information contained therein.
Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) face
discrimination and barriers that restrict them from participating
in society on an equal basis with others every day. They are
denied their rights to be included in the general school system,
to be employed, to live independently in the community.
In recent years, there has been a revolutionary change in
approach, globally, to close the protection gap and ensure
that students with SEN enjoy the same standards of equality,
rights and dignity as everyone else. Rather than having a
one-size-fits-all approach, where a teacher simply imparts
knowledge, schools have become more focused on differentiated
teaching, which focuses on addressing the individual needs of
We consider that the education which is valid today is a process whereby the way of using knowledge in life is turned into an art rather than a process where knowledge is loaded into the minds of people. And this is important for children who need special education in terms of sustainability and continuation, and it helps such children to generalize knowledge and to be compatible with the society. By virtue of an interdisciplinary organization, the teaching and education process help the learners to learn knowledge and skills in certain disciplines and to utilize them by gathering them together in a meaningful manner.
It is widely assumed that as an individual a human being is born in an environment surrounded by various sounds, and the human being perceives, interprets, and shapes the sounds that are different. We use sounds in communication, in various areas such as languages and speaking, and music to express feelings.
Our project called 'SOUNDS ' combines Science, ICT and Arts to challenge our children plan, design and create a range of open ended projects that foster and develop their creativity and innovation. A set of challenging small projects will be organised for all children from partner countries as a competition to find the most efficient, creative and innovative ways to solve problems or complete tasks.
''SOUNDS' helps:
a) Teachers to enrich and combine different subjects together to create exciting and motivating cross curricular learning experiences: (Science: Exploring the links between sound and electricity; Computing: Programming music and exploring music powered by electricity; Languages: promoting communication skills)
b) To equip pupils with sustainable skills necessary for their day-to-day lives regardless of their abilities
c) All participants to use Twinspace and etwinning as a working tool to promote eTwinning and Erasmus+ to wider communities.
d) To develop organisational and communication skills to ensure the project is completed within deadlines.
e) To promote European unity and cooperation demonstrating to wider communities that children from six different schools/ countries work together to achieve common goals when learning about sound.
f) To develop participants understanding of their European heritage and develop a greater understanding of the cultures of their European partners regardless of their abilities or age.
g) To promote cooperative skills in working together to experience and explore sound.
The project is to be carried out transnationally
a) To exchange knowledge of different European cultures and best practices between them, standardizing processes and developing possibility contributed proactively to the creation of a teaching method more flexible, engaging and advanced. This project will enable its participants to be part of an entrepreneurial program that pursues the most innovative and interactive methods.
b To provide purposeful opportunities to develop communication skills using a wide range of media i.e. email, skype, twinspace.
c) To share new approaches in teaching children with special education needs; the project will raise teachers' awareness of the importance of comparing and sharing methodologies, forms of school inclusion and practical knowledge of disabilities in mainstream schools
The objectives of the project are:
- create feeling of friendship and solidarity with European children during working on the same topics of project
- develop teamwork among children of each partner country and creating sounds/ music which combine the skills and creativity
- make children aware of the European cultural diversity introducing partners`countries through games, music etc.
- help children find out about other countries´ traditions through mobilities and using ICT
- improve our students ICT competence using Skype, facebook, emails and homepage in eTwinning
- experience the importance and pleasure of learning foreign languages.
- sharpen teachers motivation and develop skills through sharing good practice of teaching and assessment procedures.
- enhance a European dimension into school and local community making exhibitions and project-evenings for local community .


In this project, partners, except
Agrupamento de Escolas Vieira de Araújo,
have experience in international projects
and partners will share their previous
experiences and best practices of their
project in a collaborative way to support
each other for this common project work
with a solidarity spirit .Partners from Portugal
believe they are a real asset to be the
development of this project.This project could
be one of the oppurtunity to look widely to
other cultures; to get and share experiences,
to open the mind of their students about other countries and realities.The school has large experience in providing training for students within the areas which they are ,nevertheless,a scarce source of employment in the areas of rural tourism and gastronomy services.
All partners will participate in the project with great enthusiasm and a passion to work collaboratively. Each partner school has been given responsibility for organising and taking the lead on one of the activities planned and contribute to complete a mid-term evaluation of how the project is progressing. We would assess any issues that have arisen, such as communication, progress of preparation for mobility activities, materials to upload onto the project website, difficulties encountered to accomplish the objectives of the project and join efforts to support each other if a partner school is struggling to complete an activity.
We have planned seven activities. Each country/ school has been given responsibility for organising and taking the lead on one of the activities planned. The activities that have been planned are -
- Exploring the links between electricity and sound/ Sound inventions - Science
- Music powered by electricity - exploring music as a form of communication that can change the way of feelings, thinking and acting; exploring and creating sound using new technologies - ICT
- Programming rhythm - ICT
- Composition - write a song about sounds - Music
- Music appreciation - exploring and responding to work of famous composers using electronic instruments
-Music Videoclıps - with students using throat singing method.
-''I am listening to my city’'to know about culture,traditions,characteristic features belongs to those cities locatedin Europe via sounds.
It is important for European teachers and pupils to feel that they are a part of the European community even though they live in disadvantaged areas.
This partnership will open the door to Europe for both our teachers and pupils and make it possible for them to get to know more about each other and about each other’s work and methods. The mobilities will give a unique opportunity to visit other member states and engage meaningfully in the educational and social environments of the partner schools. Professional development is a core principle of the project as we would like teachers to observe each other when they visit schools and discuss techniques and methodologies they use. As a result of our project we are hoping to make changes in schools' integration of best practice into the curriculum - To make existing curriculum more effective and productive through linking core subjects and non-core subjects together.