eTwinning training materials and ICT resources
It will directly target teachers and support staff who
attend the training, however, children will be indirectly
affected through the development of teaching and learning.
We will plan and deliver a workshop to develop participants'
understanding of how to use eTwinning and ICT to
communicate with families and wider community.
This training will be developed from recent PDW attended and will include dissemination of eTwinning project, using QR coding to motivate and engage children and their families.
This will equip the participants with some tools and practical ideas of how to present and raise the profile of eTwining and their own school. Knowledge of eTwinning will provide a collaborative work to plan and discuss our project. Twinspace will be set up as well. Amazing ICT resources workshop to discuss and practise how to use ICT as an innovative and motivating teaching and learning resource. We will demonstrate the latest tools available to enable children to develop skills in coding, programming and controlling equipment.
ICT resources: coding, programming and controlling equipment.