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Teacher Pedro Doña, from the Sound and Image

department and Ms María Luisa Aguilera from the

ICT department at Politécnico Jesús Marín gave the

workshops on ICT and Sound.

This Workshop called ' ICT & SOUNDS ' combines

ICT to challenge plan,  design and create a great amount

of projects that develop creativity and innovation for SEN.

A set of motivating small ICT projects will be planed for all

  children to make exciting and motivating cross curricular

learning relating sounds.


1.       Audacity is a free and open-source system

developed for innovative music education and


creation. Students could use this tool to compose

their own music.

This tool provides them a great amount of sound

effects & possibilities relating sounds

(copy, edit, record…).  When the music is finished,

the  students can export it into a sound file like mp3.

 When their composition is finished, the  students

can export it into a sound file like mp3.

2.       The workshop deals with how students can

convert youtube music to mp3 & download it such

as other way to get music.

3.       Posibilities to share their own music:

a.      There are free sound websites where the students

can upload their composed music and share with others

around the world. Moreover, the students can also find

huge variety of music to work with it.

b.      QR Codes is a two-dimensional barcode that is

readable by qr code readers where they can be  installed into a  Smartphone, computer or tablet. The qr code send the link of the music made by the students via email, whapsApp or publish in social media networks, like instagram or facebook. The link opens inmediately the song.

c.       Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs. It also has a new feature which let you share a song with others via email, WhatsApp … through a qr code.


4.       Scratch is a free programming language and online community where students can create their own interactive stories, games, animations and use the music composed in the previous step, closing the  circle of this worshop.



On the other hand, the workshop shows free apps to communicate with deaf people, for instance, deaf pro,  google translator or pedius.

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