I.S.S “Enrico Fermi” is situated in Lecce,
a beautiful town in the south of Italy.
Our schoolrepresents a local cultural
landmark in the field of technology with
its branches: Mechanics-Mechatronics-
Energy, Electrical Engineering, Information
Technology and Telecommunication,
Transports and Logistics, Lyceum of
Applied Sciences.
The students learning here springs from
various family backgrounds. Beside the
normal, well-organized, emotionally and
financially solid families, there are many
students who confront with numerous hardships. Some of them come from disorganized families or mono-parental families, some are migrants, coming from no-European countries and a small number of students live on the verge of poverty. Moreover, there are students with special needs whom so far we have successfully integrated in ordinary classes.
We think that school must be inclusive and motivating, Our main aim is to create a positive context, we want to give our students same opportunities and to give answers to different needs in order to reduce the risk of our students’ social exclusion.
In the last years our school is working on projects preventing early school leavings , combating youth uneasiness and dropping out of school. It develops transversal skills and educational strategies to tackle the lack of school attendance and to help SEN students to be actively included in the school life . This is the reason why they are in mixed ability classes and most of them follow ‘'Individual Education Programmes' to facilitate their inclusion and to develop their self esteem.
We run and still we are running European projects (Comenius and Erasmus+) because we strongly believe in the widening of our students’ horizons and in the European dimension of our school.
This academic year our school is carring out projects addressed to SENstudents : 1. a project about cross-curricular backing to teachers about special educational needs’ students; 2.Team games: educational psycological relational and sport paths; 3.Projects related to Paths towards social inclusion and combating the youth uneasiness; 4.Drama lab-Smartheatre: young actors grow up.
They key staff involved in this project are teachers of English with good experience in project and team management and special educational needs teachers very well prepared and organized.