Project partners are aware of a good preparation and it is a guarantee for the success. First of all, each partner will create project team who takes actively part in this project and responsibilities are shared in a meeting with school administrations for a two year work plan. Each partner will deliver a presentation of Project aims and planned activities to the teachers and students at partner schools in local languages.Next, each partner will make a power point presentation which includes the information their school and culture.Each group will take a video with the students and the teachers about what they know about other partners and their culture or whether they have any prejudices. An email group in Google drive, school mail or Facebook will be used as a first line of communication to update partners on progress or obstacles and to find solutions to arising matters.Partners will agree a project plan:
Coordination of Project,Forming Erasmus Creativity Club ,interim and final report of the Project-Seminar ''Teaching sounds with interdisciplinary teaching approach'
Dissemination DVD,Workshop/ training about eTwinning ,Workshop -effective use of ICT resources training and creating a website,producing a language guide.
1-Music - Composition - Write a song about sounds, exploring
2-Responding to work of famous composers using electronic instruments
1-Science - Exploring the links between electricity and sound/ Sound inventions
2-ICT - Music powered by electricity.
4-Evaluation reports of TPM minutes
1-ICT - Programming rhythm (Prior the visit each partner school will create scenarios of lessons using rhythm to work with children.
2-'I am listening to my city’ Soundclips about culture,traditions,characteristic features belongs to those cities locatedin Europe via sounds
3-Questionnaires and minutes about TPM to evaluate the meetings and decide what will prepared until the next TPM.
1-Project logo,poster,design project t-shirts,project newsletter,leaflet,brochures.
2-Music videoclips using throat singing.
3-Exploring and creating sound using new technologies
Each partner school will produce a film showing how they use music during lessons or therapies with SEN children. The DVD presentations that are about the traditional dances where rhythm is crucial will be shared. All participants will prepare melody and lyrics to the given/ chosen rhythms.)I
Above all, teachers will collect project documentations and data so as to create portfolios. Through the project meetings, partners will be able to evaluate progress of the partnership activities.
All partners are also responsible for the following:
-forming Erasmus Creativity Club in each partner schools-
-preparing music videoclips with students using throat singing.
-preparing soundclips for 'I am listening to my city'
-Write a song about sounds
- Hold and attend to Online inter-cultural learning classes(1 term 60 minutes a fortnight , 15 students min.)
- After preparing the questionnaire, students and teachers will complete the survey questions in each partner school after each transnational project meeting.
- Presentation of school and their educational system of their country to Project partners
- Hold minimum 2 informative presentations (introduction and progress) of the Project to the students and teachers of their school with question and answers parts.
- Put the Project poster and include EU Education and Erasmus plus programmes logo at all Project outcomes.
- Learn other partners languages.
- Arrange interviews, write articles and publications of the Project on local and national media.
- Send mın.10 project dissemination DVD’S to neighbouring schools.
- Produce Project t-shirts, hoodies (min. 50 T-shirts) using Project logo.
- Be responsible for communication among the students. Ensure that multinational teams, mobilities are being managed appropriately.
- Respond to Project mails and calls of Online conference in time.
- Conduct Project questionnaire in terms of reliability.
- Work according to time table
- Organise an Erasmus Plus day for parents and community to disseminate projects activities and outcomes.
- Prepare posters, leaflets, brochures advertise project within their communities and neighbouring schools.
- Contribute to Project website by uploading students’ materials/work and other relevant media content.
- Contribute to the project blog/forum.
- Create an Erasmus Plus Project Corner to display students’ work, celebrate success and post updates for school staff and students.
- Each partner will take minutes and share results of discussions and decisions made during project meetings.
- Preparing and distributing "Europass" to the all participants.
-Regular meetings with the teaching staff and the students
"Sound" Project Activities
October 2017
1. Forming Erasmus Creativity Club before the prior visit in each partner schools.
3. Creating project boards,corners at schools
4. 13-19 October 2017
First Transnational Project Meeting in Turkey.
1st day Project meeting will focus on the welcoming , the presentation of partner schools ,welcome speech from Erasmus Creativity Club students and their folk dance to introduce Turkish Culture and Charity event- Big Bake off will be prepared by PTA(Parents Teacher Association) from Turkish cuisine . Class observations also will be done by partners at the school. Project Meeting to discuss on the first stage of the implementation process and more specifically on the portal development -project and to offer a discussion for the fruitful exchange of ideas and expectations by giving and receiving feedback in various work settings.
2nd day Project Meeting to discuss on the first stage of the implementation process and more specifically on the portal development -project and to offer a discussion for the fruitful exchange of ideas and expectations by giving and receiving feedback in various work settings.
3rd Day Project Meeting will take the form of working sessions combined with study visits to Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Special Education and Rehabilitation Center
4th Day will consist only of working sessions.The working sessions will include roundtables focusing on discussing all priorities and agendas, such as development of the project.Cultural visits will be organised and Certificate of Attendance for each partner will be given at the end of TPM.
Romania will prepare an evaluation minutes after TPM in Turkey and after each TPM.Poland will prepare a questıonaire for 6 partners to evaluate TPM in Turkey and after each TPM organised in each country.6 partners will answer these questionnaires and the results of these 6 questionnaires will be evaluted by Poland.
November 2017
1. Establishment of project website by Spain
2. After TPM in Turkey,Project information and first visit meeting photos uploaded to the site and shared on social media. Mınutes about TPMın Turkey will be send byRomania and questionnaire will be send by Poland .
3. Each partner school will organise a Project logo competition in their school,the best logo will sent to Italy by each partner
In Spain all partner will decide tshirts with chosen logo.
3. Producing a language guide by Portugal will be ready for website.
3. Preliminary before Portugal for the anthem of Project:
Prior the visit children are going to write/ compose songs about sounds - anthem of the project . Each school will organise a song competition involving parents and carers in the writing process. Each partner school will organise a concert where children will share their songs and then choose the anthem of the project. All the songs will be recorded on CDs and shared with partner-schools.
4. Cultural Traditional dances will be taught to the students.
December 2017 - January 2018
1. A language guide WİLL BE SHARED by Portugal in website .Portugal will sent to Spain,Spain will upload all thedocuments to the website
2.Preliminary work for ‘’I am listening to my city’’ organised by Poland (Every country will choose voices and sounds that reflect the characteristics of their country and city, such as the sound of wave or waterfall, the sound of mulberries and barbecues, the sounds of enthusiastic children during celebrations during national holidays or the voice of historical icon.)
28 January-2 February 2018:
2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Spain
eTwinning Training Materials and -Amazing ICT Resources
This will be a 1-day training. It will directly target teachers and support staff who attend the training, however, children will be indirectly affected through the development of teaching and learning. Additionally, partner schools can disseminate training on return to their country, therefore this can provide an international impact. We will plan and deliver a workshop to develop participants' understanding of how to use eTwinning and ICT to communicate with families and wider community. This training will be developed from recent PDW attended and will include dissemination of eTwinning project, using QR coding to motivate and engage children and their families. This will equip the participants with some tools and practical ideas of how to present and raise the profile of eTwining and their own school. Knowledge of eTwinning will provide a collaborative work to plan and discuss our project. Twinspace will be set up as well.
Amazing ICT resources -
This is a 1-day practical 'hands on' training. We will deliver a workshop to discuss and practise how to use ICT as an innovative and motivating teaching and learning resource. This workshop is developed from recent training attended by the key person and ICT coordinator. We will demonstrate the latest tools available to enable children to develop skills in coding, programming and controlling equipment. Additionally, partner schools will disseminate training on return to their country, therefore this provides an international impact. As this project focusses on supporting children with special education needs, this workshop will provide teachers with knowledge of accessible inclusive learning activities which supports raising expectations of achievements in Computing.
March 2018
Project logo designs are voted on and selected on
e -twinning platform.
2. Language guide and logo will be uploaded to the website and shared in etwinning in Spain .
3. Etwinning seminar will be given to the teachers in each partner school to inform them.
April 2018:
1. producing at least 50 tshirts by each Project partners
2. Completion of the sound clips of ‘I am listening to my City’’
3. Creation of a video clip of the cultural dance activity prepared by the students.
20 – 25 May 2018 - TPM İN POLAND
1. -ICT - Programming rhythm
Prior the visit each partner school will create scenarios of lessons using rhythm to work with children. Each partner school will produce a film showing how they use music during lessons or therapies with SEN children.Children are going to take part in dance sessions where they are going to learn traditional dances where rhythm is crucial. All participants will prepare melody and lyrics to the given/ chosen rhythms.
2-''I am listening to my city’
Previous the TPM,each partner will prepare sound clips belongs to their culture in their city e.g sounds belongs to mosque,churches,Christmas Eve,waves in the sea, an outdoor activity of the project with the students.At the TPM, those sounds will be listened by all delegates to know about culture,traditions,characteristic features belongs to those cities located in Europe via sounds and combined in a cd to make sound clips. Then Poland will get the sound clips to combine them in a DVD.
June 2018
1. video and audio clips prepared by each partner school will be uploaded by Spain to the website and etwinning.
2. Activities tpm photos will be shared on website, facebook etwinning..
3. poster will be put on school boards, arranging Project corners , at least 3 social media news about TPM for dissemination activities İN EACH PARTNER SCHOOLS WİLL BE DONE.
September 2018
1. Introducing students to the electrical and sound connection in the science field and designing a related product. (Eg preparation of telephone model)
Design of SOUNDBOOK will be completed.
Preparing video clips containing images of students with emotions (laughing, crying, surprise, etc.) it will also ınclude music at the back stage
07- 12 October 2018:TPM İN ROMANIA
1. Science - Exploring the links between electricity and sound/ Sound inventions -
We are going to explore the links between electricity and sound as well as sound inventions through practical exploration and investigation. Children will engage in practical activities that will develop their understanding of electricity and sound. Activities will be differentiated and adapted to suit all learning styles and needs. As a result of this project children will create a digital resource to share among partner schools to communicate their learning and a practical resource to use when exploring sound, e.g. string telephone model.
To create a SOUND BOOK which includes the specific sounds and visuals of the culture elements of each partner schools ,each partner will take photos (at least five of cultural elements) .They will select five sounds of these cultural photos then Romania will collect all these outputs to publish them and send to all partner schools for dissemination activity of SOUND project.
2)ICT - Music powered by electricity; exploring and creating sound using new technologies -
Children are going to explore music as a form of communication that can change the way of feelings, thinking and acting; explore and create sound using new technologies. Children will explore various music recording programmes. As a result of this project children will create sound-clips to share with partner schools. Each sound clip will demonstrate a certain feeling. During the mobility all sound-clips will be combined into an album which will be published and called 'Our feelings'. Children will use traditional sound variations to represent their culture and country. There will be produced a game 'Guess where is this sound from/ What feeling does this sound demonstrate?'.
November 2018:
1.activities and photos will be shared in website and etwinning after the TPM in Romania.
2. Begin to prepare music activities by throat singing method.
December 2018- January 2019:
1. Project anthem preparation work by each partner school before TPM in Portugal
2. Introducing electrical and classical instruments to students. 3. Each country will make a video clip that reflects the introduction of their famous composer and the instrument they use .
4. Creation of a playback video clip prepared with the costume of this famous composer.
5 . Musical instruments models will be prepared by students and forming a corner in the related class.
1)Music - Composition - write a song about sounds -
Prior the visit children are going to write/ compose songs about sounds - anthem of the project . Each school will organise a song competition involving parents and carers in the writing process. Each partner school will organise a concert where children will share their songs and then choose the anthem of the project. All the songs will be recorded on CDs and shared with partner-schools. These songs will be used later on when learning about sounds and electricity as a session material.
2)Music - Music appreciation - exploring and responding to work of famous composers using electronic instruments
Children will prepare PowerPoint presentations about their national composers.
While the students exploring and responding to work of famous composers using electronic instruments,they will learn the differences between electronical and classical instruments. Children are going to present famous composers and sing their song via playback using electronic instruments from each partner country at their school.They will explore how Science inventions influence music composition and use of electronic instruments and are going to create their traditional national musical instruments and share them in twinspace.The students will also prepare their own handcrafts about musical instruments and they will be displayed at Musical corner at all partner schools.
3. Project anthem will be shared by Portugal
March 2019:
1. Preparing a video clip of the project anthem that will be sing by club students.
2. Video clıps from each partner school will be sent to Spain and they will be uploaded to the website by Spain
April 2019
1. Throat singıng: Music videoclips using throat singing method WİLL BE READY before the meeting İN ITALY.Throat-singing, a guttural style of singing or chanting, is one of the world's oldest forms of music. In throat-singing,students can produce two or more notes through specialized vocalization technique taking advantage of the throat's resonance characteristics. By precise movements of the lips, tongue, jaw, velum, and larynx, throat-singers produce unique harmonies using only their bodies .To create the European culture harmony,Italy will combine six videoclips in a videoshot
2. preparation of presentations about the studies about ‘Methods and techniques used in special education’ will be done in school.
28 APRIL-3 May 2019
1. The 2nd TPM of SOUND project will be at IISS E. Fermi-Italy on 28th April-3 rd May 2019(4 teachers from each partner school).
The objectives of the TPM will be organisation of final outcome,evaluation of project activities,final report will be prepared by six partner schools,all the activities will be documented for dissemination DVD,financial reports,editing of the DVD,editing and adding up web-page and agreement on the future cooperation will be done in Italy.
The final meeting will start off with a welcoming presentation by the coordinating organization on the first day, including a presentation of the summary of executed outputs and expected final outcomes.
Programme of meeting in Italy
1st day Project meeting will focus on the welcoming , the presentation of school , the sharing of good practices that make partner school inclusive.Human voice is the most effective ınstrument to communicate for SEN students.Thus,partner schools will prepare at least one minute
Music videoclips using throat singing method before the meeting.Throat-singing, a guttural style of singing or chanting, is one of the world's oldest forms of music. In throat-singing,students can produce two or more notes through specialized vocalization technique taking advantage of the throat's resonance characteristics. By precise movements of the lips, tongue, jaw, velum, and larynx, throat-singers produce unique harmonies using only their bodies .To create the European culture harmony,Italy will combine six videoclips in a videoshot
Round Table about “Teaching in an Inclusive Classroom: how to encourage inclusion in your school environment” ( experts may be invited)
2nd day project meeting:A Workshop “Together we learn better: some ways in which inclusive educational practices build a school's capacity to educate all learners effectively”. A discussion on the results will be the final step
3rd day :Evaluation meeting for final reports of SOUND Project with project partner school representatives.
Alternatively all the partners can have:
Round Table about:” “ADHD – The nature and challenges of learning difficulties and ADHD
4th day:Evaluation meeting for final reports of SOUND Project with project partner school representatives.
Certificate of Attendance for each partner will be given.
May 2019
Dissemination DVD will be prepared by Spain
Project leaflet-brochures-articles/Final reports
-Project media coverage-project social media by all partners for the dissemination of the project.
-Minutes and Questionnaires after each TPM in partner countries will be prepared by Portugal during two years.
-Interim and final reports will be prepared by Turkey.
It has been decided that each country-participant can take up to 4 delegates on a visit. The language of communication is English.
Risk assessment will be provided in each partner-country as well as each partner country will do their own risk assessment prior each mobility. Each risk assessment has to be approved by local authorities.