We are a pre-primary(kindegarten ),
prımary and general /technical
secondary school.We have 1500 students.
The school is in the outThere is an
increaseskırts of a small cityin a green
and rural area,next to Geres Natıonal Park.
We live in a region where unemployment
and desertification is increasing so we
have a lot of students at a risk of social
exclusion. There is an increase of the
phenomenon of emigration and migration.
We have nearly 48 pupils with special
needs.The socio economic origın of students
is heterogenous. However, the economıc
needs have increased in the last ten years.
1026 of pupils have school support
(transportation,books,school supplies andmeals).
There is a large number of students to whom
is provided an educational supportplan.
Less than 5 % of parents attended university.
We think that a project like this could be
away to motivate our students.As we are a
school from kindergarten until the 12th grade,
we believe we are a real asset to be the
development of this project.This project
could be one of the oppurtunity to look
widely to other cultures ; to get and
share experiences,toopen the mind of our
students about other countries and realities.
Theschool has large experience in proviiding
training for students within the areas which
we are ,nevertheless,a scarce source of
employment in the areas ofrural tourism and
gastronomy services.