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An Innovative Path to Education

Co-funded by the Erasmus+
Programme of the European

This publication reflects only the views of its authors and the Commission cannot be held accountable for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



    All partners want to

involve some

participants with fewer

opportunity so that

they can feel accepted

by their peers and

included in their school.

The  project activities

will support them

working together,

cooperating, finding the

best way for each

member of a group to

contribute, and to listen

to and accept the

viewpoints and contributions

of others.

    The Spanish school takes part in different European projects, with the aim of improving the teaching skills of its teachers through innovation development, training courses, resource designing, classroom management, knowledge of other cultures, habits and educational systems of the countries involved in those projects.From 2012 to 2015 they have participated in the project EREIVET, together with 11 other countries and 15 partner schools. Their school is one of the few ones in Andalusia offering Dramatic Arts at A-levels.


    The Greek partner has  a  remarkable professional and teaching experience in Secondary Schools, Vocational Schools and Training  Institutes. She has participated in European programs such as programs of the Council of Europe, Arion, Comenius, Leonardo.Moreover she has an experience in writing and organizing students’ performances and activities in the school .


    Our partners from The Netherlands are developing a new Didactical Method of teaching. Central keynote in this method is coaching individual or small group of Students. They think that it is not only about learning, but also about presentation and social skills. The Netherlands will be will an example of good practice for us.


    The Italian school has a tradition of taking part in international projects and in all those projects there has always been a high level of cooperation on the part of teachers, students and community,so the results have always been satisfactory: Comenius projects from 2007 to 2014, eTwinning projects (they were awarded with the European Quality Label); a 3years KA2 Erasmus+project.They also carried out and still are working on local, regional and national projects.


    The Portuguese school has got lots of students coming from a diverse multicultural background and it aims to integrate them without disregarding one’s belief and traditions. Moreover they are persuaded that non formal curricula plays an utmost important role in integrating formal studies transforming them into something more appealing, more pragmatique, more « learneable ».


    The Polish school have classes that regularly participated in preparing performances for school ceremonies as well as outings to the city’s theatres and other cultural institutions. During English classes teachers involve students in mini drama to practice everyday language. Our media class as well as next year’s art class will integrate drama in their regular educational schedule. Moreover, they were involved in Erasmus+ KA2 project for years 2014-2016, the experience which they highly appreciate in terms of broadening horizons and opening the students’ minds towards other nationalities and different cultures. They are also currently conducting an eTwinning project on reading literature aloud.


    Definitely all the partners have an experience in organizing and implementing such European programs, fact that guarantees  the success of the present project. 


    The variety in types of organisations and countries is an extra positive factor as they bring new experiences, new perspectives and different cultural and educational scenarios. Another factor was the age proximities of our students, as well as the social, cultural and linguistic diversity.


    All the partners speak English and some of them are English teachers. All of them have implemented role playing and theater activities  in their schools and can perfectly support the project activities . All our partners have communicative skills and pleasant personalities. They have all contributed in writing the Erasmus proposal.The key people involved in this project have past experience in organizing and achieving best outcomes in multilateral programs. The collaboration between our colleagues in each school is very important in organizing and implementing the activities.

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