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is a Lyceum of Secondary Education,  situated in the center of

Thessaloniki, in a historical building called Eykleidis. In the school

there are 52 teachers of various specializations. 300 learners aged

mostly between 16 and 20, attend the current academic year

(2016-2017) the courses in our school.


The website of the school  is  

        Sectors and specializations of  7th EPAL :
       1) Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment
             - Plant Technician
             - Technician of Animal Production
             - Technician of Food Technology and Beverage
             - Technician of Flori-culture and Landscape Architecture
      2) Sector Management and Economics
           - Employee of Management and Finance
           - Employee of Tourism
           - Employee of Marketing and Advertising
           - Employee of Warehouse and Supply Systems
      3) Structural Engineering Department, Built Environment and Architectural Design
            -Technician of  GIS Systems
      4) Applied Arts
          - Graphic arts
          - Conservation of Works of Art - Rehabilitation
          - Design - Interior Decorating Services
 Teachers  in our school  are professionals with experience in the private sector as well as in education, well qualified,  with special awareness to the problems of young people  and willing to embrace anything new, innovative and beneficial. Their skill in cooperation  and their experience in technological means   guarantee the success of the present project .


7th EPAL has taken part in a student exchange, linguistic program, under the Comenius 1 in  collaboration with Lycee Chartes A. Coulomb, France in 2007.
Our school has also taken part in the Entrepreneurship program in collaboration with the University of Kavala and has collaborated with the Aristotles University of Thessaloniki in a virtual enterprise creation program.
Every year our school is actively involved in a series of programs of Environmental, Cultural, Health Education, the program "Young Power" of AIESEC, but also special subjects according to sectors that have to develop new teaching practices. 
The last five years theatre projects are taking place in our school, created by students in collaboration with teachers. Those projects are based on social concerns of our students.
In year 2016  7th EPAL implement the approved plan ERASMUS + K1 entitled "Integrated management of by-products - products and waste of agricultural production".
  Teachers who will have a key role in this application are: The Director, Mr. Georgios Ioannidis, the Sub Director  Mrs. Sofia Triantafyllou  Mrs. Panagiota Karamouzi
1. Ioannidis, George. Graduated in Mathematics at the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki.  Graduated in ICT at the University of Berlin, Director of 7th EPAL Thessaloniki. He has an excellent knowledge in  English and German language. He has a significant teaching experience at Universities and Institutes in Greece and abroad, trained in special education (language of Signs ). He has also  participated in various training seminars.
Professional activity
- Assistant Professor in the Engineering Department of the Technical University of Berlin
- He has worked in the private sector as an analyst - programmer in computer companies
- Computer Educator  at TEL Veria TEE Special Education 
- Head of Information Technology at 3rd SEK.
- Supervisor of the ICT course at national exams at TEE.
- Computer Teacher in 1st TEE and 6th Evening EPAL of Thessaloniki
- Director of 7th EPALof  Thessaloniki

2. Triantafyllou Sofia. Graduated in Mathematics at the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, with a Master degree in Information Systems at the University of Macedonia-Greece. Professor of Informatics, Mathematics and Business Orientation in Schools. She has  a  remarkable professional and teaching experience in Secondary Schools, Vocational Schools and Training  Institutes. She has participated in European programs such as programs of the Council of Europe, Arion, Comenius, Leonardo.
She has an experience in writing and organizing students’ performances and activities in the school . She has also participated in various environmental, cultural educational programs, as well as in programs in collaboration with the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki. 
She has also participated in national and international scientific Congresses as speaker.


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