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      We are a secondary School in a small Town

in the East part of The Netherlands. Our school

has 3 Departments, and the Main Department is

located in Nijverdal. On our location in Nijverdal

we have 1100 Students in the age of 12 – 19 and

in the 3 Departments together we have at this

moment 3000 students. In the future we will have

less Students, that is because there are in our

Region less Childern of younger age.

The Department in Rijssen is a location were most

of the Students follow Vocation Education. In our School we teach the other levels, more theoretical (Gymnasium, VWO, HAVO). In Nijverdal we have a small Location and the Main location. In the Future (2022) these two locations will be one and at this moment we are in the process of looking how and where it is going to be built. We have a small group of colleagues who are looking for new opportunities to develop new methods of learning for kids, how Education in the nearby Future will be more effective for our Students. We want less Classical way of teaching and more active forms of learning for our Students.


    We are a school that is organising a lot of events for our own student, but also for other organisations and schools. We are experimenting on different projects about Non Formal learning, but are looking for more opportunities to help our students to learn more efficient. That is the most important reason for us to participate in the project.


    Edward Huisman is coordinating all kind of activities in our school about new ways of learning and is also using more modern equipment in the lessons together with all the teachers of Sport. We are now making short films where students can look  what level they have in differents sportsituations. For example when the are doing high jump, then it is not about to be the best and when you have failed, you are out of the competiton, but every students is jumping, filming his own jump and compare it with our short movies. The only thing we think it is important that students can look at their own level (or the level of other students) so they can work on improving the high jump. Sports is not to be the best, every student is important and we want them to learn to cooperate with eachother.


     We also have different partners we cooperate with. For example we are doing different projects with our local Theatre (or Theatregroups) so our students know the way to the Theatre. Every schoolyear our students look at a performance in our local Theatre and also we do some projects with them where we activate our students in different culture themes, for example percussion and dance. 


    Another partner is a local organization who is organizing projects for problem youth in our region. 
Every year we organize a big event, called "de Koningsspelen"This is a big sportsevent for 1600 kids of Primary schools, and also a Circusproject where 240 kids of different Primary school learn al kind of circusacts. Our Students are organizing this project themselves and also help young kids with all kind of activities. Edward Huisman is coordinator of both sport events.
Herro de Roest is the second teacher in the project and is a teacher of arts. He is coordinator of an exchange with German Students and also coordinator of all kind of Culture projects with local partners. A few years ago our students got the task to design a large Stair in our Town hall and the winning design is made in our Town hall. Herro de Roest also organised already a Comenius project called Hanger Art, a great succes.







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